Use These Tips To Choose the Right Medical Alert System for Seniors
Read nowMany seniors opt for aging in place instead of moving to an assisted-living facility. While staying at home offers countless benefits for seniors, it heightens worry for loved ones. A common source of concern is emergency response, which is why...
Are You Taking Advantage of Your Senior Discounts? Check This List To See!
Read nowHave you ever been out to dinner with a friend when they unexpectedly cashed in on a senior discount? Senior discounts abound but often fly under the radar. There’s a good chance you’ve unwittingly paid full price for a meal,...
Aging in Place vs. Assisted Living: Making the Right Choice
Read nowAre you or your loved one evaluating the pros and cons of aging in place with home modifications versus transitioning to an assisted living facility? How and where seniors decide to age is a matter of personal choice, although sometimes...
Navigating Icy Hazards with Handrails
Read nowIt is the time of year when (in the Northern climes) snow covers the ground and icy winds keep everyone inside. Anyone who has lived in a Northern state for any length of time knows that January usually brings some...
Navigating Winter Safely: A Guide To Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls During National Senior Independence Month
Read nowBecause February is National Senior Independence Month, and smack dab in the middle of winter, Hold-Tight Handrails recognizes that it is of utmost importance to address the heightened risks winter poses for older adults. With an estimated 1 million injuries...
Use These Strategies To Keep Seniors Steady on Their Feet
Read nowFalling is one of the greatest dangers seniors face in the home. To maintain their freedom and mobility, this often requires only minor modifications to their home and lifestyle. Something as simple as increasing safety at exterior doorways, interior stairways...