Warm Weather Activities for Caregivers and Seniors
Spring beckons us to get outside, especially if we’ve battled a particularly challenging winter with little outside time. No matter your level of mobility, spring is an ideal time to reconnect with nature. Before you and your caregiver fall into the same old routine, why not “spring clean” your activities list and explore some new options?
Enjoy a Snack in the Park
Eating outdoors is an enjoyable way to mix things up on a beautiful day. The process doesn’t have to be as elaborate as a complex picnic with all the trimmings. It can be a morning cup of coffee or tea, a light midday snack or a late afternoon glass of wine.
From the beauty of sunrise to the warmth of midday to sunset’s golden hour, each part of the day has its own benefits outdoors. You can set up in your own backyard or community green belt or venture out to local parks and green spaces with benches, tables and accessible pathways.
If you’re unsure of what to expect at a new location, ask a caregiver or loved one to scout out the options in advance to ensure stable pathways and adequate facilities. The key to venturing out is not to overthink it. Give it a try. You can adapt next time based on what you learn.
Start or Renew a Garden
Gardening is a beloved activity because it connects you directly with nature and rewards you with a bountiful harvest, whether it be fruits, vegetables or flowers. Try something new that attract butterflies. Plan a trip to your local nursery with your caregiver to choose something destined to flourish in your area. A garden provides built-in motivation to get outside, as it requires ongoing care and attention to grow. To ensure a safe entry and exit, consider installing handrails wherever you have steps to climb.
Remember, you can create gardening options that suit your needs, such as easy-to-reach indoor containers or raised bed gardens to easily reap the same benefits without bending over and digging.
More Movement, Greater Risks
The additional spring activities can make some older adults anxious, as they worry about slips and falls. By installing Hold-Tight Handrails wherever you have steps, you can focus on getting out and enjoying the outdoors with peace of mind.
Source 1: https://www.assistancehomecare.com/spring-activities-for-seniors-caregivers/
Source 2: https://www.onemedical.com/blog/healthy-living/spring-activities-for-seniors/
Source 3: https://www.firstlighthomecare.com/blog/spring-activities-for-seniors-